
Germany and the Solomon Islands: Bilateral relations

12.04.2024 - Article

Political relations between Germany and the Solomon Islands Islands are friendly. Diplomatic contacts are maintained by the German Embassy in Canberra. A German Honorary Consul is located in the capital Honiara.

Germany supports economic, social and cultural development in the Solomon Islands through its contributions to the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) of the European Union (until 2021 “European Development Fund” (EDF)).

The scale of bilateral economic relations with Germany is low. Germany’s exports to the Solomon Islands totalled 181.000 euro in 2023 while total German imports to the country were 1.963 million euro (source: DESTATIS).

The country also plays a role in Germany’s close climate policy cooperation with the states of the South Pacific region, particularly within the framework of regional programmes run by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the Federal Government.

Since 2011, the German Archaeological Institute, in cooperation with the Solomon Islands National Museum and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has been conducting excavations to investigate the early settlement of the Solomon Islands. They are intended to shed light on how prehistoric humans populated the Pacific region, which has received little research attention to date.

The German Embassy in Canberra frequently supports small‑scale projects in the Solomon Islands, mostly in the areas of education and health as well as regarding the protection from non-explosive reactive armour.

The Solomon Islands is a member of the Group of Friends on Climate and Security in the United Nations, founded by Germany and Nauru.

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